Month: January 2022

Podcast Guest Appearance: How To Scale Commercial Real Estate

I am ecstatic to have had the chance to join Sam Wilson on the How…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Mindset, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

How I Find Quality Information On Existing Apartment Management

Buying apartments is risky. Perhaps, slightly riskier than buying a house or a car. But…

 Posted in Multifamily Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Pivoting Your Investment Strategy When The Market Changes

Today’s multifamily market is tough. The good assets are highly competitive amongst buyers and are…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Market Reviews, Mindset, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The Two Goals of Money Management

Whether you are an apartment operator or a passive investor, it is wise to know…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

What is the Debt Service Coverage Ratio?

Of all the metrics used in underwriting multifamily assets, it is arguable that Debt Service…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , , ,

How Working Professionals Achieve Financial Peace

We work very hard at our jobs. Some of us are engineers, project managers, accountants,…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Getting Started, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , ,

Podcast Appearance – Apartment Investing For Real Estate Professionals

Hello, Friends. I am super thankful to have had another great opportunity to be interviewed…

 Posted in Getting Started, Media, Mindset, Multifamily Investing, Passive Investing Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Identifying Deferred Maintenance and Repairs in Your Multifamily Investment

When investing in real estate, regardless of single family or multi-family or actively or passive…

 Posted in Investment Fundamentals Tagged , , , , , ,

“Scared Money Don’t Make Money” Meaning

Welcome to 2022! To set the tone for a great and fruitful year, I want…

 Posted in General Real Estate Investing, Mindset Tagged , , , , , , , ,