Rodney Robinson’s Top Podcast Guest Interviews 2021

Since I embarked multifamily investing journey in mid-2020, it has been a wild ride. From forming Robinson Capital, writing over 240 blog posts about real estate investing, passive income and apartment syndication, making my own first passive investment and countless networking sessions, guest interviews and a conference, I am thankful for the traction and the great people I have met along the way.

Whereas residential investing does not have to be, multifamily investing is a team sport. People need other people. As I made the transition from single family homes to multifamily, I knew that I had to get out and meet people. As I began sharing my twice-weekly blog posts and engaging on social media, really cool opportunities came to share my story, mission and journey on some really impressive platforms.

This post consolidates the guest interviews of 2021. Check them out below.

The Real Estate Syndication Show with Whitney Sewell

I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be a guest on The Real Estate Syndication Show with Whitney Sewell. What a great discussion. I was able to share my journey into multi-family investing as well as describe what I believe is a critical mindset shift that propels people to take massive action on their wealth building journey.

Real Estate Ventures Podcast with Pinney Lubinski

I was blessed to join Pinny and discuss marketing and building your platform and how that has helped get word out about our apartment investing business, Robinson Capital.

Make It Rain Podcast with Luc and Daisy Serrano

What a treat to sit with the power couple, Daisy and Luc Serrano and share my journey into multifamily investing and how others can adopt the growth mindset that sows fortunes that future generations will continue to reap. Their podcast focuses on millennials, so I shared my best advice for millennials. Check it out below!

The Passive Investor Diary with Brian Briscoe and Tim Bratz

The Passive Investor Diary is like no other podcast. It’s concept is to bring an both one experienced and less experienced apartment investor on the show to share knowledge from the experienced investor and answer interview questions by the lesser experienced person. On the show was successful investor Tim Bratz who dropped a wealth of knowledge and amazing nuggets based on his successful journey to thousands of rental units! You won’t want to miss the questions I got to ask him. Check it out below!

Other Guest Appearances

Check out the full list of guest features on the Featured page. Use this resource to learn more about me and my mission, my investment philosophy and whether our company Robinson Capital could be a great fit for your investment needs.

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💡Invest Your Retirement w/ eQRP

I Rolled My 401k Into eQRP to Passively Invest In Apartments

Author: Rodney