3 Great Takeaways From My First In-Person Multifamily Investing Conference

This past weekend was insanely amazing! I attended the Jake and Gino Multifamily Mastery 4 conference in Orlando, FL, just an hour away from where I reside in Melbourne, FL. What a great treat it was! Actually, it was infinitely more rewarding than I could have imagined. Let me explain.

Solidify Relationships

For the last year and a half, I have been networking virtually with investors in the multifamily space. The pandemic created the unique opportunity to attend anyone’s meetup without regard for geographic location. As a result, I met so many people, varieties of skills, strategies and expertise. Many became peers, informal mentors and people that I could help with advice/guidance on my areas of expertise. I actually nurtured many of those relationships throughout this time. As it turns out, so many of those in my network were able to attend! It feels like seeing them in person, shaking hands and hugging, laughing and sharing ideas solidified these relationships and now many of us are much closer and ready to partner, brainstorm or just be a friend.

In fact, I made quite a few connections, solidified potential partnerships and even made good friends for life.

Motivation for Action

If you are like me, you get inspired when you are in the room with people who have done it. In the daily grind, we do not see these people in our niche. We do not usually run into the best of the best in the grocery store, while we are picking up our kids from school or mowing our lawns. We do life with this dream in the back of our minds and a limited in-person network. Well, when you go to a conference, all that changes. While it may seem like a lot of people are in attendance, when you zoom out and imagine the population of the United States, these people are the dedicated, the driven, the successful in the business, and you realize that there are very few. You become inspired – no, honored – to be in the same room. Next, you are proud that you made the decision to come.

Listening to speakers who shared their story of how they built their multifamily business was a motivation for my journey and mission and a reminder that it is possible. Two of the most amazing stories I heard over the weekend:

  • How the founder of CitySide Capital created his business in his basement during the pandemic and now has the privilege to own 1,900 housing units!
  • How one of the Jake and Gino students built his business and was able to tell his aging parents that they no longer need to work again!
  • How Jake and Gino’s business donates to the cause of feeding hungry children!

The list goes on…

The renowned motivational speaker Luke Wren also came and got the attendees fired up on the concept of being energizing and the importance of operating at level 10 energy for best results, leaving nothing on the table.


The MM4 conference was an uncommon opportunity to hear from the best and most experienced in the multifamily investing business. Speakers discussed the Jake and Gino coaching strategy of Buying Right, Managing Right and Financing Right – a concept that they teach each of their students in order to make recession-proof, failure-proof investment decisions. This concept is so simple, but requires discipline and solid accountability, especially in this wild market.

Other sessions included panelist interviews from top brokers, new investors and high-performing operators. There was no shortage of information and my note taking could not keep up with the massive knowledge bombs that never failed to drop.

Will you join me at the next conference?

We are all transitioning from the last year and a half of pajamas and Zoom calls and may even trick ourselves into believing that in-person conferences are no longer necessary. Trust me, they are! The one that I attended last year was virtual and very good, but not as rewarding as this year’s in-person.

Whether you are an active or passive investor, experienced or not, I challenge you to make it out to a conference and take part in all the great things I shared above. I will remind you as the next one comes around. And I hope to meet you in person!

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