How To Adopt Alternative Investment Strategies

Most people are aware of the basic investment classes, Stocks, Bonds, 401k, Mutual Funds, etc. We consider those to be traditional investments. 401k’s and IRA’s allow working professionals to use their retirement to invest in these asset classes.

What most people do not understand is the menu of expanded alternatives to these traditional investments, and working professionals that can adopt a mindset of exploring these non traditional investment classes can do well.

Alternative Investments

Alternative investments include real estate and niches of real estate such as syndications for multifamily or self-storage, land, farms, energy, notes and more. But they can also include, private loans, cryptocurrency, and even horse breeding.

The point here is not to invest in everything, but to understand that there are many more options than the plate that Wall Street hands working professionals.

Expanded Mindset

When you adopt this expanded mindset, you are intrigued at the world of possible investments. Of course, focus on one or two strategies is best and most effective, but you are no longer confined to mediocre, standard investments.

When I discovered the world of real estate investing in 2013 on the BiggerPockets forums, I was enthralled and devoted to the idea of diversification and expansion of my investments into real assets, those that could be seen and touched and represent a real value.

Unfortunately, your company plan will not tell you about these options (and honestly may not know much themselves), so it is essential to get in the right circles, network and get educated. Check out the following articles I have written in the past about how to do just that!

Wherever you are, take your next step in the world of alternative investments, even if that next step is simply understanding different asset classes. It may change your life!

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