It Took Me 3 Years to Complete My MBA and This is What I Gained

I finally did it in 2021. I embarked on this journey in August of 2017. I charted the course: when would I get this thing done if I took one class per semester. Wonderful: May 2021. That’s an eternity from now, I thought.

But what was the rush? I was moving up in my jobs through some sort of promotion every few years and had many young children and a wife to focus on after work hours. Not to mention, my wife would also be finishing her undergraduate degree at the University of Florida during that time. I decided to let her schooling take priority. Also, I simply did not want to take more than one class. I did not want (or need) more school to feel like work outside of my many other responsibilities.

The Truth

Okay, I am now getting closer to the truth. I will say a little more before I get to the primary reason I only took one class per semester for the last three years. All those responsibilities grew over the years. I had more kids, took higher promotions, had less available time. It got more difficult to continue my MBA each year and in spite of this, somehow I managed to make time to do a decent job in these classes.

So, here is the real reason I only took one class a semester, knowing it would take me nearly the same time to complete as it would an undergraduate degree: I simply didn’t see its value.

After completing my undergraduate in Marketing and Economics in 2012, I was very willing to continue for more education, believing it would get me higher-paying jobs and make me more marketable. Then two things happened:

  1. I was already getting good jobs
  2. I had a mindset shift

Mindset Shift

In 2013, I came across a real estate investing resource called BiggerPockets. I dove into the forums and started listening to podcasts. I was inspired. I read one of their earlier books called “The Ultimate Guide To Real Estate Investing” and it was then that I decided that I could either study for my MBA or study for real estate. Needless to say, I put off the program that I was in line for, dodged some exclusive company sponsored programs (confusing a few bosses in the process) and decided that I was not interested in my MBA. Interestingly, during this time, aside from my personal residence, I did not buy a single real estate property. I would say that I did get well educated with a new mindset, reading books like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” “4-Hour Work Week,” and “E-Myth.” And this mindset shift is precisely why I was so careful not to get my MBA, that I passed up some innocent and logical reasons to get it.

Finally Making It Happen

So in 2017, one year after moving back to Florida for our family to finally set roots, I decided that it was a good time to begin MBA courses. I had nothing to lose and I may learn something in the process. I had a job and wasn’t after anything else but education. I believed I was finally doing it for the right reasons.

A few years later, two more children later, a few job titles later, two rental properties later and a multi-family business endeavor later, somehow, we got it done!

The reasons for finally doing it were not my earlier reasons. It was something I needed to complete for personal reasons and to be an example to my children of addressing those things that hang over your head. Secondly, rather than approaching my MBA with the mindset of an employee, I did so with the mindset of an entrepreneur. For example omehow, for my last three classes, I was able to take three real estate electives! In fact, I was able to apply some of what I learned to very timely events, such as the refinance of my rentals.

Do Not Settle For Incompletion

All in all, it did not land me a greater job with more pay, but it allowed me to complete a very personal goal. I was able to learn and apply a few important areas towards my own business endeavors and now with all that extra time I no longer need to devote towards my MBA, I can continue to grow Robinson Capital and write even more articles to educate others on wealth creation from real estate!

This article is not about whether or not to complete your MBA, but to convince you to go after the things that hang over your head and hold you back. Do not let them sit in your mind as reminders of incompletion. Similar to my guidance on your finances, take the next step in your personal goals and dreams!

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