How New Passive Investors Can Find Apartment Syndicators

On the BiggerPockets forums, I stumbled upon a post where an individual investor wanted to know how to find syndicators for apartment investment opportunities. My detailed response prompted further expansion into this blog post. If you have never invested in syndications, it can seem like a daunting undertaking reserved only for the elite. Hardly so. Here, I will share a few effective avenues for you to meet active investors who syndicate apartment deals in which you can participate as a passive investor.

1. Bigger Pockets

I found the BiggerPockets website in 2013. In fact, that was my introduction to real estate investing. On the forums, there are discussion areas for every type of investor, from flippers to buy and hold investors, to commercial real estate niches and more. Within the various sections and with the unique features of the site, you can discover and connect with others, including active syndicators. I have found it effective to go to the Multifamily Real Estate sub-forum within the Commercial Real Estate category and join the discussions.

2. Linkedin

When I first started building my platform in July 2020, I had no idea how effective Linkedin would be for meeting others in this special niche. Every day, I am making new connections with with all types of active, passive and prospective investors. Linkedin is a powerful tool and more than simply a way to find new jobs. It is untapped and I have barely scratched the surface. For the reasons above, I am confident that Linkedin is an effective medium for you to follow, learn from and eventually connect with syndicators whose strategies may align with your investment goals.

3. Podcasts

There are a plethora of real estate podcasts out there. That is both good and bad news. With all the choices, it will be a challenge to hone in on which active investor to listen to with your limited time; however, once you decide on a few, check out their podcasts, as many of them use this as their platform for sharing information and educating investors. In doing so, not only are you getting great education, but you are getting to know these leaders in a better way. You may learn about their target markets, investment criteria, and even personal values. I highly recommend this approach for its multiple benefits.

4. Meetups

During the the time of social distancing, remote working and collaboration use has become prolific. Many meetups, originally held in person are going to Zoom. Now being held online in virtual meeting rooms, attendees and hosts alike are afforded greater flexibility and reach with the removal of geographic constraints. As you follow investors that you meet through any of the above channels, you will learn about their meetups and get the opportunity to join a few. If you are serious about passively investing in future deals, I recommend that you check out those meetups. You may learn more about the individual there, participate in great real estate discussion, and even learn of a few investing opportunities. However, please be careful when you introduce yourself as a potential passive investor with “money to invest;” you may be in a room full of people looking for investment capital. Too much attention can be overwhelming. Therefore, attend with the intent of learning, getting to know others by first developing relationships (actually, in accordance with SEC guidelines, a substantive and preexisting relationship is legally required prior to investing in most deals).

What Next?

When you find yourself in these circles using these suggestions above, you will encounter a plethora of challenges, mainly centered around choosing the right syndicator for you. To help with this challenge, check out my post on What to Look for In an Apartment Syndicator.

Author: Rodney